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Trademark Registration

To ensure that your sign used for your products or services is properly protected, it must be registered as a trademark. Without a trademark registration you cannot take action against third parties that use an identical or similar name.

We are happy to discuss the possibilities for registration for you. You can fill out our trademark application form to receive information and the costs for your trademark application.

Trademark Search

Before you decide to register a trademark, it is of course important to know whether your brand is sufficiently distinctive and whether there are any brands that confuse you in a confusing way. The Trademark Protection Foundation can, among other things, carry out an identical investigation and / or a similarity investigation for you.

You can of course specify exactly which countries are relevant to you. We will let you know in advance what costs are associated with the research you want.


If your company is located outside of the European Union, you are obliged to be represented by an EU based trademark attorney. We can represent you in all matters relating to EU trademarks or designs. If you are looking for advice regarding trademark registrations, renewals, oppositions or other trademark or design related questions, we are happy to assist you. You can contact us here.


We often represent well-known brands to tackle trademark infringements. We ensure that the use of signs which could cause a likelihood of confusion, in particular for competitors’ products, is ceased. 

We also advise parties in drafting license or distributionagreements. We provide advice to clients wondering whether the resale of trademarked products is permitted or for example whether the use of a trademark in Adwords campaigns is allowed.

You can contact us for all questions regarding possible infringements or other IP related questions you may have.

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